If you have issues with any of the links below, please reach out to the DDCA Scholarship Coordinator You need a Gmail email address to be able to access the applications and be able upload their essays. There's no way to bypass this part of the electronic application.
2025 Deadline: January 12th 2025
Candidates must have a GPA of 3.9 or higher, weighted GPAs will be considered.​
Applicants will be evaluated by a non-affiliated panel utilizing an academic scholarship scoring worksheet over the following submitted documents: three recommendations, seventh semester transcripts or equivalent, an essay, academics, extra-curricular activities, leadership/honors, and the intent to be enrolled in a college/university in the following fall.
2025 Deadline: January 12th 2025
Candidates must have a GPA of 3.0 or higher, weighted GPAs will be considered.​
Applicants will be evaluated by a non-affiliated panel utilizing an academic scholarship scoring worksheet over the following submitted documents: three recommendations, seventh semester transcripts or equivalent, an essay, academics, extra-curricular activities, leadership/honors, and the intent to be enrolled in a college/university in the following fall.
2024-25 Scholarship deadline has passed
The Oregon Dance and Drill Coaches’ Association is pleased to make available the DDCA Opportunity Scholarships. These scholarships were developed by the DDCA as a way to alleviate some of the financial barriers associated with being a part of your school's dance team. The DDCA has been working hard all year long to make these funds available to dancers who may need financial assistance to participate in dance team.
2024-2025 Academic Scholarship - Due dates and info will be posted at a later date
2024-2025 Diversity Excellence Scholarship - Due dates and info will posted at a later date
High school dance team seniors are invited to apply for the DDCA scholarships. These scholarships can be used for both dance and academic pursuits. The number and dollar amount of the scholarships are determined by the DDCA Board of Directors. Recipients will be announced at the OSAA State Championships. The scholarships will be paid directly to the institute after the student has been accepted and enrolled.
To be considered for a scholarship, dancers must submit applications to the DDCA based on the guidelines and criteria below. The DDCA Scholarship Committee receives numerous applications to review every year, so it is very important that dancers, coaches, and teachers carefully follow all of the directions on the application.
General DDCA Scholarship Eligibility Requirements
Candidates must have senior academic standing and be on track to graduate by June.
Candidates must be a member of an Oregon high school dance team at the time of the OSAA State Championships.​
Team members may apply if all coaches affiliated with their team are members of the DDCA. That team must be an active member of the DDCA and participate in at least two sanctioned competitions during the year or compete at the OSAA State Championships.
Scholarship recipients are announced at the OSAA State Championships in March. Each recipient is invited to the floor and presented with an engraved scholarship plaque. The actual scholarships are awarded and paid directly to the institution of choice, after the recipient has been accepted and enrolled. Scholarships can be used for dance or academic pursuits – specific guidelines apply to the use of dance scholarship monies at dance studios (contact the DDCA Board for details). Scholarship recipients must request the award in writing to the DDCA Treasurer prior to January 15th of the following academic year. Scholarship monies are designed to be distributed by January 31. Any uncollected scholarship monies will be returned to the scholarship pool.​
Giving Back – Volunteer at the Oregon Junior Dance Team Championships (OJDTC)
In an effort to support our DDCA scholarship fund we would like to ask that the recipients of the DDCA scholarship program volunteer to work at the OJDTC held in early April. The OJDTC directly funds our scholarship program and have made it possible for the DDCA to award several additional scholarships each year. Information regarding this event will be sent to each recipient. For more information, please visit the Oregon Junior Dance Team Championships Event Page.
If you have questions regarding the DDCA Scholarship program, please email the DDCA Scholarship Director.